Past Guests of Honor

Sarah A. Hoyt is a novelist with (she thinks) twenty three novels out. There might be more, as she may have lost count. Genres are also fungible.
So far she hasn’t written pure romance, hard sci fi or man’s adventure. However her unofficial motto is “no genre is safe from me.” To find out more about what she’s done to various innocent tropes and subgenres, look her books on, her blog.
Award-winning author Stephanie Osborn, the Interstellar Woman of Mystery, is a veteran of more than 20 years in civilian/military space programs, with graduate and undergraduate degrees in four sciences: astronomy, physics, chemistry and mathematics, and she is “fluent” in several more, including geology and anatomy. She has authored, co-authored, or contributed to some 50+ books, including the celebrated science-fiction mystery, Burnout: The mystery of Space
Shuttle STS-281. She is the co-author of the Cresperian Saga book series, and has written the critically acclaimed Displaced Detective Series, described as “Sherlock Holmes meets The X-Files,” and the award-winning, exciting Sherlock Holmes: Gentleman Aegis series. Her latest venture: Division One, her take on the urban legend of the mysterious people who make evidence…disappear, as well as the ongoing story of Dominick Ashton and his legacy in Richard Weyand’s popular EMPIRE series. In addition to her writing, the Interstellar Woman of Mystery now happily “pays it forward,” teaching math and science through numerous media including ebooks, radio, podcasting and public speaking, as well as working with SIGMA, the science-fiction think tank.